Got 30 minutes to spare to get great looking hair that turns heads?
4th May 2017
Yes, that’s right in just 30 minutes you could have sleek, soft hair that will turn heads. And the best bit is that for most of the time you can relax in a bath.
In 30 minutes you can give your hair a deep conditioning treatment that will add moisture and shine and improve manageability.
Deep conditioning is a simple process that you can easily do at home.
You just need a deep conditioning oil, like Mashooq’s Magic Oil. Section your hair and apply to the hair working from the root to the hair tips. You can even apply some to your scalp to counter skin dryness. Then massage the oil into your hair being sure to work it well into your hair. After that wrap your hair in a warm towel or plastic cap.
Then comes the easy bit, run yourself a warm bath and relax for about 20 minutes. The heat will help the oil to get to work, feeding your hair and adding moisture.
At the end of your relaxing bath, wet your hair and give it a good rub. Then wash with your normal shampoo and style as normal.
This treatment is particularly good if you colour, bleach, straighten or perm your hair because it penetrates the follicle, nourishing it, to help prevent hair breaking off.
Mashooq’s Deep Penetrating Oil is a unique blend of six natural oils: sweet almond, olive, coconut, wheat germ, palm and sunflower that are packed full of vitamins and minerals that nourish, condition and even protect hair from chemical and heat damage.