10 things you may not know about hair
17th Jun 2014
We’ve been learning more about hair and
have found some fun facts that we thought were worth sharing.
Blondes have more hair on their head than any other colour. Natural blondes have on average 130,000
hair while natural reds have just 80,000.
2. People with naturally brown or black hair have around 100,000 hair.
3. Consider yourself very special if you have red hair. Red hair is the rarest in the world – just 1% of the population.
4. We shed up to 150 hairs a day.
5. Your hair grows approximately 1.25cms every month.
6. We are born with all the hair follicles we will ever have.
7. You can test the health of your hair by testing its elasticity. Healthy hair when wet will stretch by 30 to 50% and return to its normal size. Less healthy hair won’t stretch as much and will be more prone to breaking.
8. Humans have been changing their hair colour for thousands of years. Neanderthals coloured their hair and skin. There is evidence that the Ancient Egyptians used henna to colour their hair from around 1500BC.
9. Leeks, cassia and even stale urine have been used to change hair colour.
10. More and more of us are colouring our hair at home - we buy over £300 million of home dyes every year.
Who knew hair could be so fascinating.